A good car in Dubai is the key to a good holiday or work trip. Our company provides car rental services in the United Arab Emirates and in Dubai in particular. We are pleased to offer our customers the most luxurious cars of the latest models. In our car park, you will find inexpensive cars, family cars, SUVs, and sports cars. In addition to providing a luxury car that will attract the attention of your friends and help win the favor of colleagues, we also try to provide the necessary information about the rental car services and driving rules in the UAE so that you prepare yourself in advance and feel confident on the roads.

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Therefore, to make sure that you will have the best time in Dubai, we would like to give you some tips on how to prepare yourself for the driving experience in the UAE. Keep reading this article to find out what things you should be aware of before renting a car in Dubai, what car types we recommend choosing, and how to find the car of your dreams. 

Local Laws For Driving

The first thing you should stop at if you are thinking about going to Dubai and renting a car is knowledge of local laws. It will be a shame if it turns out that you have already studied car rental companies in Dubai and booked a specific car, but for some reason, you will not be able to rent it upon arrival. 

Fortunately, we have already collected all the most important items in one list so that you do not worry about what laws apply in Dubai in relation to driving a car. 

Here’s what you definitely need to know about laws in the UAE:

  1. If you want to rent a car you must be 25 years old or older; 
  2. You must have a driver’s license. In the UAE, there is a list of countries whose citizens can easily rent a car with only their national driver’s license. This list of countries is quite long; however, if your country is not included in it, you will have to take care of obtaining documents in advance; 
  3. Keep in mind that the traffic rules in your country may be different from those you may encounter in the UAE. Review the main ones. Although the basic rules such as the prohibition of driving through a red light, the inadmissibility of violating the speed limit, and drunk driving are universal and applicable in any country, there are also more subtle differences such as the unacceptability of indecent gestures on the roads in Dubai;
  4. Keep in mind that according to the laws in Dubai, in case of an accident on the road in which a rented car is involved, the driver is responsible. Be sure to check the level of insurance for the rented car before you sign a rental agreement.
  5. In case of an accident, the first thing you should do is call the traffic police. If your car is rented, please inform your manager about the accident.

Some Recommendations When Renting a Car in Dubai

In addition to complying with the basic laws, we also want to warn you about the difficulties you may face in the field of car rental. Read this section in advance to know what you should pay attention to.

Here is another list of important recommendations that will definitely come in handy when choosing a car rental company abroad:

1. Never sign a contract without reading it

In fact, this applies to all areas of services that you may encounter. A contract for the provision of services is a serious document that outlines all the basic rights and obligations of both parties (the buyer and the service provider). Thus, by signing the contract, you agree with all its points. This way you will make your car rental experience in Dubai safe and you will definitely not lose money.

2. Check Out The Reviews About The Company

Before booking a car with a certain company, be sure to read reviews from previous customers to make sure that you have not accidentally stumbled upon scammers. We recommend looking for reviews on independent websites and on the company’s website

3. Make A Check-Up Of The Rental Car

At this point, you have already found an excellent car rental company, decided which car you want to rent for the duration of your stay in Dubai, and signed a contract. Now you are ready to get the car keys and hit the road. Wait a second! Do not forget to take a good look at the car before you start using it. If you notice dents or scratches, you will definitely need to take a photo of them. 

This is necessary so that later representatives of the company could not accuse you of the fact that these scratches appeared through your fault. Photos are evidence that scratches and dents were already on the car by the time you were handed the keys to it.

In our company, before each rental, the manager inspects and photographs the car in your presence and completes the act.

4. Think About Security When Paying

Most car rental companies in Dubai require an insurance deposit. We recommend paying the required amount with a credit card. There are a couple of reasons for this: firstly, this way your money will not be used illegally, and secondly, the amount will definitely be automatically refunded to you within two weeks. Thus, by paying a security deposit with a credit card, you do not risk being deceived and losing money.

How To Make Your Driving Experience In Dubai Unforgettable?

Now that we have sorted out all the technical aspects, it is time to move on to the emotional part of your journey in a luxury car in Dubai. What contributes to the creation of a unique atmosphere of road travel? How not to get tired while driving on busy roads and highways in the UAE? Let us advise you on something that will help you fully enjoy a premium rental car and leave an exceptionally pleasant impression about your trips.

1. Music Creates A Special Mood

We recommend making a playlist in advance for road trips around Dubai. If you are going to share a trip with your family members, then make sure that there are songs in the playlist that everyone will like. In this case, everything will go perfectly: you will not have to spend half the trip arguing with each other about what to turn on, the music will cheer you up, and set a positive mood for the whole day ahead. 

On the contrary, when traveling in one car with colleagues, music may be inappropriate. In any case, we do not recommend playing anything other than classical and instrumental music quietly.

2. The Impression Depends On The People Around You

Remember that any good memory you have is primarily associated with certain people who have accompanied you that day. We all appreciate the communication and emotions received thanks to our loved ones. That is why we advise you to invite your friends, partner, or family members to share with you a journey through the expanses of Dubai and explore the desert outside the city.

A road trip even in the most luxurious car from our car park may not be as much remembered as the time spent on the road with loved ones.

3. Decide On The Direction

Make a route in advance according to the list of attractions that you want to visit. It may be a good idea to devote one day to visit the sights and observation decks in Dubai, and the next day to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and go outside the city: see the expanses of the desert with your own eyes, try unusual entertainment such as sandboarding on the dunes and camel riding. 

With a well-planned trip route, everything will go smoothly and you will experience less stress when driving.

4. Choose The Right Car

Choose a car according to your goals and plans. Of course, many people want to surprise others with the most exotic car, but this is not always appropriate. Believe us, there are quite a variety of premium cars in our car park. Take into account not only the appearance but also the functionality and characteristics of the car. For example, even the newest and most powerful sports car is not suitable for conquering dunes in the desert, but an SUV is perfect for this case.

Now that you know what to pay attention to when renting a car in the UAE, your road trips will definitely be filled with positive emotions and will remain in your memory for a long time!


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