Ǟ Mercedes 奔驰 GT 63 S 是一款高性能豪华跑车。作为 Mercedes 作为奔驰 AMG GT 系列中的一员,这款四门轿跑车展现了奔驰品牌的精髓及其对动力、精准和尊贵的追求,从令人惊叹的加速性能到过弯的灵活性,无不体现出奔驰 AMG GT 的卓越品质。GT 63 S 是一款真正的杰作,其强劲的发动机、先进的全轮驱动系统和灵活的操控性能,让驾驶者惊心动魄。车内,高品质的材料、宽敞的空间和先进的技术营造出精致的氛围。
为什么要租 Mercedes 迪拜的 AMG GT 63s Blue
5 座 AMG GT 63 S 是一款魅力十足的汽车,拥有众多优点:
GT 63 S 搭载 4.0 升双涡轮增压 V8 发动机,最大功率 639 马力,最大扭矩 664 磅英尺。这使得该车从静止加速到 100 公里/小时仅需 3.2 秒,成为 Mercedes 斯系列 中速度最快的量产车之一。GT 63 S 的最高时速为 315 公里/小时,进一步彰显了其超级跑车级别的性能。
与这款发动机相匹配的是速度快如闪电的 9 速 AMG SPEEDSHIFT MCT 变速箱,可快速换挡,实现无缝动力传输。
The car’s performance is boosted by advanced suspension and chassis technologies. It features the AMG Adjustable Adaptive Damping System, which continuously adjusts the damping force to ensure an optimal balance between comfort and agility. The car’s lightweight yet rigid aluminum intensive chassis, coupled with its performance-oriented all-wheel drive system, provides exceptional handling and cornering capabilities. The GT 63 S’s precise steering, responsive brakes and adaptive dampers ensure an engaging and exhilarating driving experience.
采用了 Nappa 皮革、碳纤维和铝饰板等高档材料。 Mercedes 确保最多可容纳 5 名乘客。GT 63 S 配备了一整套先进的驾驶辅助系统,包括自适应巡航控制系统、车道保持辅助系统、盲点监测系统等。
GT 63 S 的特点 Mercedes-Benz’s latest MBUX infotainment system, complete with a large, high-resolution touchscreen, voice control and extensive connectivity options. The system integrates seamlessly with the vehicle’s various systems and provides access to numerous information and entertainment options.
The GT 63 S’s sleek, coupe-like silhouette and muscular styling cues set it apart from the crowd. Its bold, aerodynamic exterior is not only aesthetically pleasing but also enhances the vehicle’s high-speed stability and performance. The GT 63 S’s distinct design language, complemented by the availability of exclusive color and trim options, ensures that this sports car will turn heads wherever it goes.
其他 Mercedes 迪拜奔驰车型出租
In Dubai, you’ll find a wide range of Mercedes-Benz models for rent, from the luxurious S-Class sedans to the high-performance AMG GT and versatile GLE SUVs. Here’s a quick look at some of the models:
- Mercedes-奔驰 S 级轿车: S 级轿车是追求极致舒适、技术和尊贵人士的首选。它拥有宽敞豪华的内部空间、先进的安全功能以及平稳有力的驾驶体验。
- Mercedes-迈巴赫 S 级轿车: 该系列提供可倾斜按摩座椅、香槟色冰箱和手工缝制皮革。它拥有加长轴距、可选的双色涂装、降噪装置、空气悬架、621 马力 V12 发动机和多屏信息娱乐系统。
- Mercedes-奔驰 E 级轿车: 中型豪华轿车 E 级是一款多功能、全面的车型,集优雅与卓越性能于一身。它是商务旅行者和追求豪华与实用兼顾的人士的首选。
- Mercedes-Benz C-Class: The C-Class is a compact luxury sedan that offers a more affordable entry into the Mercedes-Benz lineup. It delivers the brand’s quality, design, and driving dynamics in a smaller, more maneuverable ride.
- Mercedes-奔驰 GLC: GLC 是一款集实用性、舒适性和性能于一身的中型豪华 SUV。它拥有宽敞的空间、高品质的内饰以及可增强性能的全轮驱动选项。
- Mercedes-Benz GLE: GLE 是一款更大、更高级的 SUV,具有宽敞豪华的内部空间,以及令人印象深刻的越野和牵引能力。对于家庭或需要多功能豪华 SUV 的人来说,它是一个很受欢迎的选择。
- Mercedes 奔驰 V 级: 这款豪华 MPV(多用途车)专为那些需要宽敞、多功能载人汽车的人而设计。它可提供多达 8 人的舒适座位,是注重时尚和实用性的家庭或团体的理想选择。
在选择合适的 Mercedes model for you, consider your budget, number of seats, trunk capacity and the purpose of using your car. For example, for desert adventures, family trips or going on a big shopping spree, an SUV would be more suitable. Look out for more premium models to get around town in style. Whether you’re looking for comfort, power or practicality, there’s a Mercedes-奔驰满足您的需求。
Mercedes 以最优惠的价格在迪拜租奔驰
计划租用 Mercedes for your upcoming visit to Dubai? We’ll help you get the best deal. Prices at Octane are transparent, with all necessary expenses included in the rental cost and no hidden fees. Special packages and membership discounts are available for long-term rentals.
Mercedes-奔驰 GT 63S 租赁流程和要求
To rent a car in Dubai, you will need a passport, driver’s license, international driving permit, visa, and Emirates ID based on your residency status. Mini妈妈年龄和驾驶经验要求因车型而异。一般来说,驾驶员必须至少年满 21 岁并有 1 年的驾驶经验。不过,对于豪华轿车和越野车,要求可能会高达 25 岁和 5 年驾龄。请在您所选车辆的规格部分查看这些要求。
对于 Mercedes-Benz GT 63S,驾驶员必须年满 21 岁并有 3 年的驾驶经验。
- 在我们的目录中找到您喜欢的型号,并查看您所需日期的可用性。
- 按照网站上的说明进行预订,并提供必要的信息和其他要求。
- 检查填写的申请是否准确,并进行确认。
That’s it! Our specialists will contact you soon.
Octane 的价格很有竞争力,而且很透明,还有会员计划和特别套餐。如果您需要租车超过几天,可以考虑长期租车,因为日租金较低。
Octane 提供便捷的在线预订系统,让您快速、轻松地预订您想要的汽车。
At Octane, you’ll find a diverse fleet of modern vehicles, including the latest models. 租用跑车 您可以选择充满刺激的驾驶体验,也可以选择在商务会议上留下深刻印象的豪华车型,还可以选择探索城市之外的越野车。我们有您想要的汽车。
Choose a convenient address for car delivery, whether it’s the airport, your home, hotel, or another location, and pick up the car where you specified.
We offer flexible rental terms and customized packages to meet your specific needs. Rent a car for as long as you need—whether it’s for a day, a week, or longer.
在 Octane,每次租车前我们都会仔细检查车辆,为您提供可靠的驾驶体验。