Ǟ BMW M4 是德国汽车制造商宝马生产的一款高性能跑车。2021 年 BMW M4 是一款双门轿跑车,设计时尚动感。该车以其强劲的发动机和灵活的操控性而闻名,深受驾驶爱好者的青睐。
在规格方面,2021 BMW M4 该车搭载 3.0 升直列六缸发动机,最大功率 473 马力,最大扭矩 406 磅-英尺。该车标配八速自动变速箱,也可选配六速手动变速箱。该车从 0 加速到 60 英里/小时仅需 4.1 秒,因此在公路上行驶速度快、反应灵敏。
The M4 is also equipped with a range of performance features, including adaptive suspension, high-performance brakes, and an electronically controlled limited-slip differential. It also comes with a range of driving modes that allow the driver to adjust the car’s performance characteristics to suit their preferences.
红色是"...... "的可用颜色选项之一。 BMW M4它为汽车增添了运动感和攻击性。该车的内饰设计也充满运动气息,采用赛车风格的座椅和以驾驶员为中心的驾驶舱。
总体而言,2021 年 BMW M4 is a high-performance sports car that combines sleek design, powerful performance, and advanced technology. The red color adds a touch of sportiness and excitement to the car’s appearance.